Friday, April 25, 2014


Scientific name: Lavendula angustifolia

 This one is simply a must-have.  If I could only have five essential oils, this would be one of them.  (The others would probably be peppermint, lemon, Thieves, and... I'm not sure about the fifth.  There are too many good choices!)

A few years ago, one of my brothers suffered from spring pollen allergies.  We used lavender oil, and his allergies cleared up completely.  And many others have had the same experience!  There are many ways to use it.  You can put it in your mouth (whether it tastes good or not!), or diffuse it.  Or you can put a drop or to in your hands, cover your face with your hands, and breathe deeply.

Lavender oil is very healthy for the skin.*  It is used to treat almost every kind of burn.*  It helps prevent and heal sunburn, clear acne, and reduce scarring.*  And it is very beneficial for eczema.  My mom used to have eczema in her fingers.  She bought an expensive medication, but that didn't cure it.  When we started using Young Living essential oils, she put lavender oil on her fingers, and it cleared up!  Now she no longer buys that expensive medication.  If her fingers start itching, she puts lavender on them, and the itch goes away.

The fragrance of lavender has a calming effect.*  Many people use it to help them (or their children) sleep.  You can diffuse it, or put a drop on your pillow.  It is also useful for calming hyperactive children (or adults, haha).

Now, maybe you don't like the smell.  But if you smell it often enough, you will almost certainly start liking it.  Some people like to put lavender in their lemonade.  Not my preference, but worth trying.

Note that most lavender oils available today have other substances added to them, even if they say "100% pure."  Use only Young Living!

*From the Essential Oils Pocket Reference by Life Science Publishing

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Scientific name: Mentha piperita 

Ahh...  peppermint oil, one of my favorite oils!  I just love that fresh, minty aroma!  I like it even more in peppermint brownies! :-)

Diffusing peppermint oil can give you energy, and help drive away tiredness.  It can also help you clearly think, concentrate, and remember.*  Dr. William N. Dember of the University of Cincinnati found that inhaling peppermint oil increases mental accuracy by 28 percent.*

Some people like to put a drop of peppermint oil in a glass of water or tea, to help digestion, relieve nausea, fight tiredness, or just enjoy the flavor.  Others find a whole drop too strong.  If you want to put essential oils in your beverages, it is recommended to always use a glass cup or bottle.

*From the Essential Oils Pocket Reference by Life Science Publishing

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Scientific name: Citrus limon

This is a very useful and versatile oil, and is also one of the less expensive.  It is extracted from the peel.  To get one kilogram of lemon oil, it takes 3,000 lemons!*

One drop of lemon oil in a glass of water may improve digestion, and tastes good too!  Most of its uses are related to its cleansing power.  You can use it to clean your skin, which may help eliminate acne.*  But avoid putting it on skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight within 24 hours.*

When diffused, it purifies the air, killing bacteria.*  And the fresh aroma can help improve mood, concentration, and memory.*  It is very potent for cleaning sticky substances, ink, etc, off of surfaces.  But don't use it on painted or varnished surfaces, as it may damage the finish.

*From the Essential Oils Pocket Reference by Life Science Publishing

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Frankincense oil and resin
Scientific name: Boswellia carteri

For many millennia, this oil has been considered a most sacred and valuable oil.  It was used in the religious ceremonies of the ancient Hebrews, as recorded in the Old Testament.  In fact, the Bible mentions frankincense more than 50 times.*  One well-known example is in the Gospel of Matthew, where you can read about wise men from the east, who gave the child Jesus gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Frankincense is famous for its healing powers.  In ancient times it was used to treat all kinds of illness or injury.*  And its potency has not decreased to this day.  It is useful for many skin conditions.**  It has even been used in cancer treatment!  And it won't make your hair fall out, or cause any other undesirable effects.  They say it also helps relieve depression.*

Frankincense is certainly a great gift from God to humanity!

*From the Essential Oils Desk Reference, from Life Science Publishing
**From Young Living literature

Ten Everyday Oils

The Everyday Oils kit is included in the Premium Starter Kit, and is also available separately.  It includes ten of Young Living's most popular and useful oils.  You can use them to promote mental and physical health, clean the house, freshen the air, etc.  I will soon make a post about each of these oils.

  1. Frankincense
  2. Lemon
  3. Peppermint
  4. Lavender
  5. Purification™
  6. Thieves™
  7. PanAway™
  8. Peace & Calming™
  9. Joy™
  10. Valor™